Source code for common.config

mercure's configuration management, used by various mercure modules 

# Standard python includes
import json
import os, sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing_extensions import Literal
import daiquiri
from typing import Dict, cast
import re

# App-specific includes
import common.monitor as monitor
import common.helper as helper
from common.constants import mercure_names
from common.types import Config
from common.log_helpers import get_logger
import common.tagslist as tagslist

# Create local logger instance
logger = get_logger()

configuration_timestamp: float = 0
configuration_filename = (os.getenv("MERCURE_CONFIG_FOLDER") or "/opt/mercure/config") + "/mercure.json"

mercure_defaults = {
    "appliance_name": "master",
    "port": 11112,
    "accept_compressed_images": False,
    "incoming_folder": "/opt/mercure/data/incoming",
    "studies_folder": "/opt/mercure/data/studies",
    "outgoing_folder": "/opt/mercure/data/outgoing",
    "success_folder": "/opt/mercure/data/success",
    "error_folder": "/opt/mercure/data/error",
    "discard_folder": "/opt/mercure/data/discard",
    "processing_folder": "/opt/mercure/data/processing",
    "router_scan_interval": 1,  # in seconds
    "dispatcher_scan_interval": 1,  # in seconds
    "cleaner_scan_interval": 60,  # in seconds
    "retention": 259200,  # in seconds (3 days)
    "emergency_clean_percentage": 90,  # in % of disk space 
    "retry_delay": 900,  # in seconds (15 min)
    "retry_max": 5,
    "series_complete_trigger": 60,  # in seconds
    "study_complete_trigger": 900,  # in seconds
    "study_forcecomplete_trigger": 5400,  # in seconds
    "dicom_receiver": {"additional_tags": []},
    "graphite_ip": "",
    "graphite_port": 2003,
    "influxdb_host": "",
    "influxdb_org": "",
    "influxdb_token": "",
    "influxdb_bucket": "",
    "bookkeeper": "",
    "offpeak_start": "22:00",
    "offpeak_end": "06:00",
    "process_runner": "docker",
    "targets": {},
    "rules": {},
    "modules": {},
    "features": {"dummy_target": False},
    "processing_logs": {"discard_logs": False},
    "support_root_modules": False

mercure: Config

[docs]def read_config() -> Config: """Reads the configuration settings (rules, targets, general settings) from the configuration file. The configuration will only be updated if the file has changed compared the the last function call. If the configuration file is locked by another process, an exception will be raised.""" global mercure global configuration_timestamp configuration_file = Path(configuration_filename) # Check for existence of lock file lock_file = Path(configuration_file.parent / configuration_file.stem).with_suffix(mercure_names.LOCK) if lock_file.exists(): raise ResourceWarning(f"Configuration file locked: {lock_file}") if configuration_file.exists(): # Get the modification date/time of the configuration file stat = os.stat(configuration_filename) try: timestamp = stat.st_mtime except AttributeError: timestamp = 0 # Check if the configuration file is newer than the version # loaded into memory. If not, return if timestamp <= configuration_timestamp: return mercure"Reading configuration from: {configuration_filename}") with open(configuration_file, "r") as json_file: loaded_config = json.load(json_file) # Reset configuration to default values (to ensure all needed # keys are present in the configuration) merged: Dict = {**mercure_defaults, **loaded_config} mercure = Config(**merged) # TODO: Check configuration for errors (esp targets and rules) # Check if directories exist if not check_folders(): raise FileNotFoundError("Configured folders missing") #"") #"Active configuration: ") #, indent=4)) #"") try: read_tagslist() except Exception as e:"Unable to parse list of additional tags. Check configuration file.") configuration_timestamp = timestamp monitor.send_event(monitor.m_events.CONFIG_UPDATE, monitor.severity.INFO, "Configuration updated") return mercure else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Configuration file not found: {configuration_file}")
[docs]def save_config() -> None: """Saves the current configuration in a file on the disk. Raises an exception if the file has been locked by another process.""" global configuration_timestamp, mercure configuration_file = Path(configuration_filename) # Check for existence of lock file lock_file = Path(configuration_file.parent / configuration_file.stem).with_suffix(mercure_names.LOCK) if lock_file.exists(): raise ResourceWarning(f"Configuration file locked: {lock_file}") try: lock = helper.FileLock(lock_file) except: raise ResourceWarning(f"Unable to lock configuration file: {lock_file}") with open(configuration_file, "w") as json_file: json.dump(mercure.dict(), json_file, indent=4) try: stat = os.stat(configuration_file) configuration_timestamp = stat.st_mtime except AttributeError: configuration_timestamp = 0 monitor.send_event(monitor.m_events.CONFIG_UPDATE, monitor.severity.INFO, "Saved new configuration.")"Stored configuration into: {configuration_file}") try: except: # Can't delete lock file, so something must be seriously wrong logger.error(f"Unable to remove lock file {lock_file}", None) # handle_error return
[docs]def write_configfile(json_content) -> None: """Rewrites the config file using the JSON data passed as argument. Used by the config editor of the webgui.""" configuration_file = Path(configuration_filename) # Check for existence of lock file lock_file = Path(configuration_file.parent / configuration_file.stem).with_suffix(mercure_names.LOCK) if lock_file.exists(): raise ResourceWarning(f"Configuration file locked: {lock_file}") try: lock = helper.FileLock(lock_file) except: raise ResourceWarning(f"Unable to lock configuration file: {lock_file}") with open(configuration_file, "w") as json_file: json.dump(json_content, json_file, indent=4) monitor.send_event(monitor.m_events.CONFIG_UPDATE, monitor.severity.INFO, "Wrote configuration file.")"Wrote configuration into: {configuration_file}") try: except: # Can't delete lock file, so something must be seriously wrong logger.error(f"Unable to remove lock file {lock_file}", None) # handle_error return
[docs]def check_folders() -> bool: """Checks if all required folders for handling the DICOM files exist.""" global mercure for entry in [ "incoming_folder", "studies_folder", "outgoing_folder", "success_folder", "error_folder", "discard_folder", "processing_folder", ]: entry = cast( Literal[ "incoming_folder", "studies_folder", "outgoing_folder", "success_folder", "error_folder", "discard_folder", "processing_folder", ], entry, ) if not Path(mercure.dict()[entry]).exists(): logger.critical( # handle_error f"Folder not found {mercure.dict()[entry]}", None, event_type=monitor.m_events.CONFIG_UPDATE, ) return False return True
[docs]def read_tagslist() -> None: """Reads the list of supported DICOM tags with example values, displayed the UI.""" global mercure tagslist.alltags = {**tagslist.default_tags, **mercure.dicom_receiver.additional_tags} tagslist.sortedtags = sorted(tagslist.alltags)