Helper functions for evaluating routing rules and study-completion conditions.
# Standard python includes
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union
import daiquiri
# App-specific includes
import common.monitor as monitor
from common import config
from common.tags_rule_interface import Tags, TagNotFoundException
# Create local logger instance
logger = config.get_logger()
# def eval_rule(rule, tags):
# Allow typecasting the DICOM tags during evaluation of routing rules
safe_eval_cmds = {"float": float, "int": int, "str": str}
[docs]def eval_rule(rule: str, tags: Dict[str, str]) -> Any:
"""Parses the given rule, replaces all tag variables with values from the given tags dictionary, and
evaluates the rule. If the rule is invalid, an exception will be raised."""
logger.info(f"Rule: {rule}")
rule = replace_tags(rule, tags)
logger.info(f"Evaluated: {rule}")
result = eval(rule, {"__builtins__": {}}, {**safe_eval_cmds,"tags":Tags(tags)})
except SyntaxError as e:
opening = rule.find("@")
closing = rule.find("@",opening+1)
if opening >-1 and closing>1:
raise TagNotFoundException(f"No such tag '{rule[opening+1:closing]}' in tags list.")
logger.info(f"Result: {result}")
return result
[docs]def parse_rule(rule: str, tags: Dict[str, str]) -> Tuple[bool,Optional[str], Optional[str]]:
result = eval_rule(rule, tags)
return True if result else False, result, None
except TagNotFoundException:
return False, None, None
except Exception as e:
f"Invalid rule encountered: {rule}", None, event_type=monitor.m_events.CONFIG_UPDATE
) # handle_error
return False, None, str(e)
[docs]def test_completion_series(value: str) -> str:
"""Tests if the given string with the list of series required for study completion has valid format. If so, True
is returned as string, otherwise the error description is returned."""
if not value:
return "Value cannot be empty"
if (not "'" in value) or ('"' in value):
return "Series names must be enclosed by '...'"
if value.count("'") % 2:
return "Series names not properly enclosed by '...'"
eval(value, {"__builtins__": {}}, {})
except Exception as e:
return "Compare syntax with example shown above."
series_found = []
i = 0
while i < len(value):
opening = value.find("'", i)
if opening < 0:
closing = value.find("'", opening + 1)
if closing < 0:
series_string = value[opening + 1 : closing]
i = closing + 1
for series in series_found:
value = value.replace("'" + series + "'", " @@SERIES@@ ")
value_split = value.split(" ")
for element in value_split:
if element not in ["@@SERIES@@", "or", "and", "(", ")", ""]:
return "Invalid entries. Are all series names enclosed?"
return "True"
[docs]def parse_completion_series(task_id: str, completion_str: str, received_series: list) -> bool:
"""Evaluates the configuration string defining which series are required using the list of received series as input.
Returns true if all required series have arrived, otherwise false is returned."""
if len(received_series) == 0:
return False
if len(completion_str) == 0:
return True
# Make the comparison case-insensitive (by converting everything to lower case)
parsed_str = completion_str.lower()
all_series = []
for i in range(len(received_series)):
# print(f"Input: {parsed_str}")
# Collect the embedded series descriptions (can be substrings of the full names)
entries_found = []
i = 0
while i < len(parsed_str):
opening = parsed_str.find("'", i)
if opening < 0:
closing = parsed_str.find("'", opening + 1)
if closing < 0:
series_string = parsed_str[opening + 1 : closing]
i = closing + 1
# print(entries_found)
# Now, check if series corresponding to the substrings have been received. If so, replace the
# substrings with True otherwise False, so that the string can be evaluated later by the
# Python parser
for entry in entries_found:
found = False
for series in all_series:
if entry in series:
found = True
# Remove found series to speed up further searches?
# all_series.remove(series)
if found:
parsed_str = parsed_str.replace("'" + entry + "'", " True ")
parsed_str = parsed_str.replace("'" + entry + "'", " False ")
# print(parsed_str)
result: bool = eval(parsed_str, {"__builtins__": {}}, {})
return result
except Exception as e:
f"Invalid completion condition: {parsed_str}", task_id, event_type=monitor.m_events.CONFIG_UPDATE
) # handle_error
return False
# if __name__ == "__main__":
# tags = { "Tag1": "One", "TestTag": "Two", "AnotherTag": "Three" }
# result = "('Tr' in @Tag1@) | (@Tag1@ == 'Trio') @Three@ @AnotherTag@"
# parsed=replace_tags(result,tags)
# print(result)
# print(parsed)
# result=parse_rule(sys.argv[1],{ "ManufacturerModelName": "Trio" })
# sys.exit(result)
# Example: "('Tr' in @ManufacturerModelName@) | (@ManufacturerModelName@ == 'Trio')"
# if __name__ == "__main__":
# print(parse_completion_series("'SAG' or ('COR' and 'AX')", ["AX T2", "T1-COR", "SAG", "T2", "T1"]))