Source code for router

mercure's central router module that evaluates the routing rules and decides which series should be sent to which target. 

# Standard python includes
import asyncio
import time
import signal
import os
import sys
import uuid
import graphyte
import daiquiri
import hupper
from typing import Dict

# App-specific includes
from common.constants import mercure_defs, mercure_names
import common.helper as helper
import common.config as config
import common.monitor as monitor
from routing.route_series import route_series, route_error_files
from routing.route_studies import route_studies
from routing.common import generate_task_id
import common.influxdb
import common.notification as notification

# Create local logger instance
logger = config.get_logger()
main_loop = None  # type: helper.AsyncTimer # type: ignore

[docs]async def terminate_process(signalNumber, frame) -> None: """ Triggers the shutdown of the service """ helper.g_log("events.shutdown", 1)"Shutdown requested") monitor.send_event(monitor.m_events.SHUTDOWN_REQUEST, monitor.severity.INFO) # Note: main_loop can be read here because it has been declared as global variable if "main_loop" in globals() and main_loop.is_running: main_loop.stop() helper.trigger_terminate()
[docs]def run_router() -> None: """ Main processing function that is called every second """ if helper.is_terminated(): return helper.g_log("", 1) #'') #'Processing incoming folder...') try: config.read_config() except Exception: logger.warning( # handle_error "Unable to update configuration. Skipping processing.", None, event_type=monitor.m_events.CONFIG_UPDATE, ) return filecount = 0 series: Dict[str, float] = {} complete_series: Dict[str, float] = {} pending_series: Dict[str, float] = {} # Every series that hasn't timed out yet error_files_found = False # Check the incoming folder for completed series. To this end, generate a map of all # series in the folder with the timestamp of the latest DICOM file as value for entry in os.scandir(config.mercure.incoming_folder): if and not entry.is_dir(): filecount += 1 seriesString =, 1)[0] modificationTime = entry.stat().st_mtime if seriesString in series.keys(): if modificationTime > series[seriesString]: series[seriesString] = modificationTime else: series[seriesString] = modificationTime # Check if at least one .error file exists. In that case, the incoming folder should # be searched for .error files at the end of the update run if (not error_files_found) and error_files_found = True # Check if any of the series exceeds the "series complete" threshold for series_entry in series: if (time.time() - series[series_entry]) > config.mercure.series_complete_trigger: complete_series[series_entry] = series[series_entry] else: pending_series[series_entry] = series[series_entry] #'Files found = {filecount}') #'Series found = {len(series)}') #'Complete series = {len(complete_series)}') helper.g_log("incoming.files", filecount) helper.g_log("incoming.series", len(series)) # Process all complete series for series_uid in sorted(complete_series): task_id = generate_task_id() try: route_series(task_id, series_uid) except Exception: logger.error(f"Problems while processing series {series_uid}", task_id) # handle_error # If termination is requested, stop processing series after the active one has been completed if helper.is_terminated(): return if error_files_found: route_error_files() # Now, check if studies in the studies folder are ready for routing/processing route_studies(pending_series)
[docs]def exit_router(args) -> None: """ Callback function that is triggered when the process terminates. Stops the asyncio event loop """ helper.loop.call_soon_threadsafe(helper.loop.stop)
# Main entry point of the router module
[docs]def main(args=sys.argv[1:]) -> None: if "--reload" in args or os.getenv("MERCURE_ENV", "PROD").lower() == "dev": # start_reloader will only return in a monitored subprocess reloader = hupper.start_reloader("router.main")"")"mercure DICOM Router ver {mercure_defs.VERSION}")"--------------------------------------------")"") # Register system signals to be caught signals = (signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGINT) for s in signals: helper.loop.add_signal_handler(s, lambda s=s: asyncio.create_task(terminate_process(s, helper.loop))) instance_name = "main" # Read the optional instance name from the argument (if running multiple instances in one appliance) if len(sys.argv) > 1: instance_name = sys.argv[1] # Read the configuration file and terminate if it cannot be read try: config.read_config() except Exception: logger.exception("Cannot start service. Going down.") sys.exit(1) appliance_name = config.mercure.appliance_name"Appliance name = {appliance_name}")"Instance name = {instance_name}")"Instance PID = {os.getpid()}") notification.setup() monitor.configure("router", instance_name, config.mercure.bookkeeper) monitor.send_event(monitor.m_events.BOOT, monitor.severity.INFO, f"PID = {os.getpid()}") if len(config.mercure.graphite_ip) > 0:"Sending events to graphite server: {config.mercure.graphite_ip}") graphite_prefix = "mercure." + appliance_name + ".router." + instance_name graphyte.init(config.mercure.graphite_ip, config.mercure.graphite_port, prefix=graphite_prefix) if len(config.mercure.influxdb_host) > 0:"Sending events to influxdb server: {config.mercure.influxdb_host}") common.influxdb.init( config.mercure.influxdb_host, config.mercure.influxdb_token, config.mercure.influxdb_org, config.mercure.influxdb_bucket, "mercure." + appliance_name + ".router." + instance_name ) f"""Incoming folder: {config.mercure.incoming_folder} Studies folder: {config.mercure.studies_folder} Outgoing folder: {config.mercure.outgoing_folder} Processing folder: {config.mercure.processing_folder}""" ) # Start the timer that will periodically trigger the scan of the incoming folder global main_loop main_loop = helper.AsyncTimer(config.mercure.router_scan_interval, run_router) helper.g_log("events.boot", 1) try: main_loop.run_until_complete(helper.loop) # Process will exit here once the asyncio loop has been stopped monitor.send_event(monitor.m_events.SHUTDOWN, monitor.severity.INFO) except Exception as e: monitor.send_event(monitor.m_events.SHUTDOWN, monitor.severity.ERROR, str(e)) finally: # Finish all asyncio tasks that might be still pending remaining_tasks = helper.asyncio.all_tasks(helper.loop) # type: ignore[attr-defined] if remaining_tasks: helper.loop.run_until_complete(helper.asyncio.gather(*remaining_tasks))"Going down now")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()