Source code for routing.route_studies

Provides functions for routing and processing of studies (consisting of multiple series). 

# Standard python includes
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union
import uuid
import json
import shutil
import daiquiri
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

# App-specific includes
import common.config as config
import common.rule_evaluation as rule_evaluation
import common.monitor as monitor
import common.notification as notification
import common.helper as helper
import common.log_helpers as log_helpers
from common.types import Rule, Task, TaskHasStudy, TaskInfo
from common.constants import (

# Create local logger instance
logger = config.get_logger()

[docs]def route_studies(pending_series: Dict[str, float]) -> None: """ Searches for completed studies and initiates the routing of the completed studies """ # TODO: Handle studies that exceed the "force completion" timeout in the "CONDITION_RECEIVED_SERIES" mode studies_ready = {} with os.scandir(config.mercure.studies_folder) as it: for entry in it: if entry.is_dir() and not is_study_locked(entry.path) and is_study_complete(entry.path, pending_series): modificationTime = entry.stat().st_mtime studies_ready[] = modificationTime logger.debug(f"Studies ready for processing: {studies_ready}") # Process all complete studies for dir_entry in sorted(studies_ready): study_success = False try: study_success = route_study(dir_entry) except Exception: error_message = f"Problems while processing study {dir_entry}" logger.exception(error_message) # TODO: Add study events to bookkeeper # monitor.send_series_event(monitor.task_event.ERROR, entry, 0, "", "Exception while processing") monitor.send_event( monitor.m_events.PROCESSING, monitor.severity.ERROR, error_message, ) if not study_success: # Move the study to the error folder to avoid repeated processing push_studylevel_error(dir_entry) # If termination is requested, stop processing after the active study has been completed if helper.is_terminated(): return
[docs]def is_study_locked(folder: str) -> bool: """ Returns true if the given folder is locked, i.e. if another process is already working on the study """ path = Path(folder) folder_status = ( (path / mercure_names.LOCK).exists() or (path / mercure_names.PROCESSING).exists() or len(list(path.glob(mercure_names.DCMFILTER))) == 0 ) return folder_status
[docs]def is_study_complete(folder: str, pending_series: Dict[str, float]) -> bool: """ Returns true if the study in the given folder is ready for processing, i.e. if the completeness criteria of the triggered rule has been met """ try: logger.debug(f"Checking completeness of study {folder}, with pending series: {pending_series}") # Read stored task file to determine completeness criteria with open(Path(folder) / mercure_names.TASKFILE, "r") as json_file: task: TaskHasStudy = TaskHasStudy(**json.load(json_file)) if == True: return True if (Path(folder) / mercure_names.FORCE_COMPLETE).exists(): = True with open(Path(folder) / mercure_names.TASKFILE, "w") as json_file: json.dump(task.dict(), json_file) return True study = # Check if processing of the study has been enforced (e.g., via UI selection) complete_trigger = study.complete_trigger if not complete_trigger: logger.error(f"Missing trigger condition in task file in study folder {folder}", # handle_error return False complete_required_series = study.get("complete_required_series", "") # If trigger condition is received series but list of required series is missing, then switch to timeout mode instead if (complete_trigger == mercure_rule.STUDY_TRIGGER_CONDITION_RECEIVED_SERIES) and ( not complete_required_series ): complete_trigger = mercure_rule.STUDY_TRIGGER_CONDITION_TIMEOUT logger.warning( # handle_error f"Missing series for trigger condition in study folder {folder}. Using timeout instead", ) # Check for trigger condition if complete_trigger == mercure_rule.STUDY_TRIGGER_CONDITION_TIMEOUT: return check_study_timeout(task, pending_series) elif complete_trigger == mercure_rule.STUDY_TRIGGER_CONDITION_RECEIVED_SERIES: return check_study_series(task, complete_required_series) else: logger.error(f"Invalid trigger condition in task file in study folder {folder}", # handle_error return False except Exception: logger.error(f"Invalid task file in study folder {folder}", # handle_error return False
[docs]def check_study_timeout(task: TaskHasStudy, pending_series: Dict[str, float]) -> bool: """ Checks if the duration since the last series of the study was received exceeds the study completion timeout """ logger.debug("Checking study timeout") study = last_received_string = study.last_receive_time logger.debug(f"Last received time: {last_received_string}, {}") if not last_received_string: return False last_receive_time = datetime.strptime(last_received_string, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if > last_receive_time + timedelta(seconds=config.mercure.study_complete_trigger): # Check if there is a pending series on this study. If so, we need to wait for it to timeout before we can complete the study for series_uid in pending_series.keys(): example_file = next(Path(config.mercure.incoming_folder).glob(f"{series_uid}*.tags")) tags_list = json.loads(example_file.read_text()) if tags_list["StudyInstanceUID"] == study.study_uid: logger.debug(f"Timeout met, but found a pending series ({series_uid}) in study {study.study_uid}") return False return True else: return False
[docs]def check_study_series(task: TaskHasStudy, required_series: str) -> bool: """ Checks if all series required for study completion have been received """ received_series = [] # Fetch the list of received series descriptions from the task file if ( and (isinstance(, list)): received_series = # Check if the completion criteria is fulfilled return rule_evaluation.parse_completion_series(, required_series, received_series)
@log_helpers.clear_task_decorator def route_study(study) -> bool: """ Processses the study in the folder 'study'. Loads the task file and delegates the action to helper functions """ logger.debug(f"Route_study {study}") study_folder = config.mercure.studies_folder + "/" + study if is_study_locked(study_folder): # If the study folder has been locked in the meantime, then skip and proceed with the next one return True # Create lock file in the study folder and prevent other instances from working on this study lock_file = Path(study_folder + "/" + study + mercure_names.LOCK) if lock_file.exists(): return True try: lock = helper.FileLock(lock_file) except: # Can't create lock file, so something must be seriously wrong try: with open(Path(study_folder) / mercure_names.TASKFILE, "r") as json_file: task: Task = Task(**json.load(json_file)) logger.error(f"Unable to create study lock file {lock_file}", # handle_error except: logger.error(f"Unable to create study lock file {lock_file}", None) # handle_error return False try: # Read stored task file to determine completeness criteria with open(Path(study_folder) / mercure_names.TASKFILE, "r") as json_file: task = Task(**json.load(json_file)) except Exception: try: with open(Path(study_folder) / mercure_names.TASKFILE, "r") as json_file: logger.error( f"Invalid task file in study folder {study_folder}", json.load(json_file)["id"] ) # handle_error except: logger.error(f"Invalid task file in study folder {study_folder}", None) # handle_error return False logger.setTask( action_result = True info: TaskInfo = action = info.get("action", "") if not action: logger.error(f"Missing action in study folder {study_folder}", # handle_error return False # TODO: Clean folder for duplicate DICOMs (i.e., if series have been sent twice -- check by instance UID) if action == mercure_actions.NOTIFICATION: action_result = push_studylevel_notification(study, task) elif action == mercure_actions.ROUTE: action_result = push_studylevel_dispatch(study, task) elif action == mercure_actions.PROCESS or action == mercure_actions.BOTH: action_result = push_studylevel_processing(study, task) else: # This point should not be reached (discard actions should be handled on the series level) logger.error(f"Invalid task action in study folder {study_folder}", # handle_error return False if not action_result: logger.error(f"Error during processing of study {study}", # handle_error return False if not remove_study_folder(, study, lock): logger.error(f"Error removing folder of study {study}", # handle_error return False return True
[docs]def push_studylevel_dispatch(study: str, task: Task) -> bool: """ Pushes the study folder to the dispatchter, including the generated task file containing the destination information """ trigger_studylevel_notification(study, task, mercure_events.RECEIVED) return move_study_folder(, study, "OUTGOING")
[docs]def push_studylevel_processing(study: str, task: Task) -> bool: """ Pushes the study folder to the processor, including the generated task file containing the processing instructions """ trigger_studylevel_notification(study, task, mercure_events.RECEIVED) return move_study_folder(, study, "PROCESSING")
[docs]def push_studylevel_notification(study: str, task: Task) -> bool: """ Executes the study-level reception notification """ trigger_studylevel_notification(study, task, mercure_events.RECEIVED) trigger_studylevel_notification(study, task, mercure_events.COMPLETED) move_study_folder(, study, "SUCCESS") return True
[docs]def push_studylevel_error(study: str) -> None: """ Pushes the study folder to the error folder after unsuccessful processing """ study_folder = config.mercure.studies_folder + "/" + study lock_file = Path(study_folder + "/" + study + mercure_names.LOCK) if lock_file.exists(): # Study normally shouldn't be locked at this point, but since it is, just exit and wait. # Might require manual intervention if a former process terminated without removing the lock file return try: lock = helper.FileLock(lock_file) except: # Can't create lock file, so something must be seriously wrong logger.error(f"Unable to lock study for removal {lock_file}") # handle_error return if not move_study_folder(None, study, "ERROR"): # At this point, we can only wait for manual intervention logger.error(f"Unable to move study to ERROR folder {lock_file}") # handle_error return if not remove_study_folder(None, study, lock): logger.error(f"Unable to delete study folder {lock_file}") # handle_error return
[docs]def move_study_folder(task_id: Union[str, None], study: str, destination: str) -> bool: """ Moves the study subfolder to the specified destination with proper locking of the folders """ logger.debug(f"Move_study_folder {study} to {destination}") source_folder = config.mercure.studies_folder + "/" + study destination_folder = config.mercure.discard_folder if destination == "PROCESSING": destination_folder = config.mercure.processing_folder elif destination == "SUCCESS": destination_folder = config.mercure.success_folder elif destination == "ERROR": destination_folder = config.mercure.error_folder elif destination == "OUTGOING": destination_folder = config.mercure.outgoing_folder else: logger.error(f"Unknown destination {destination} requested for {study}", task_id) # handle_error return False # Create unique name of destination folder destination_folder += "/" + str(uuid.uuid1()) # Create the destination folder and validate that is has been created try: os.mkdir(destination_folder) except Exception: logger.error(f"Unable to create study destination folder {destination_folder}", task_id) # handle_error return False if not Path(destination_folder).exists(): logger.error(f"Creating study destination folder not possible {destination_folder}", task_id) # handle_error return False # Create lock file in destination folder (to prevent any other module to work on the folder). Note that # the source folder has already been locked in the parent function. lock_file = Path(destination_folder) / mercure_names.LOCK try: lock = helper.FileLock(lock_file) except: # Can't create lock file, so something must be seriously wrong logger.error(f"Unable to create lock file {destination_folder}/{mercure_names.LOCK}", task_id) # handle_error return False # Move all files except the lock file # FIXME: if we don't use a list instead of an iterator, in testing we get an error from pyfakefs about the iterator changing during the iteration for entry in list(os.scandir(source_folder)): # Move all files but exclude the lock file in the source folder if not try: shutil.move(source_folder + "/" +, destination_folder + "/" + except Exception: logger.error( # handle_error f"Problem while pushing file {entry} from {source_folder} to {destination_folder}", task_id ) # Remove the lock file in the target folder. Would happen automatically when leaving the function, # but better to do explicitly with error handling try: except: # Can't delete lock file, so something must be seriously wrong logger.error(f"Unable to remove lock file {lock_file}", task_id) # handle_error return False return True
[docs]def remove_study_folder(task_id: Union[str, None], study: str, lock: helper.FileLock) -> bool: """ Removes a study folder containing nothing but the lock file (called during cleanup after all files have been moved somewhere else already) """ study_folder = config.mercure.studies_folder + "/" + study # Remove the lock file try: except: # Can't delete lock file, so something must be seriously wrong logger.error(f"Unable to remove lock file while removing study folder {study}", task_id) # handle_error return False # Remove the empty study folder try: shutil.rmtree(study_folder) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Unable to delete study folder {study_folder}", task_id) # handle_error return True
[docs]def trigger_studylevel_notification(study: str, task: Task, event: mercure_events) -> bool: # Check if the applied_rule is available current_rule = if not current_rule: logger.error(f"Missing applied_rule in task file in study {study}", # handle_error return False notification.trigger_notification_for_rule(current_rule,, event,task=task) return True