Source code for webinterface.queue

Queue page for the graphical user interface of mercure.

# Standard python includes
import os
from pathlib import Path
import json
import daiquiri
from typing import Dict
import collections

# Starlette-related includes
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.responses import PlainTextResponse, JSONResponse
from starlette.authentication import requires

# App-specific includes
import common.config as config
from common.constants import mercure_defs, mercure_names
from webinterface.common import get_user_information
from webinterface.common import templates
from common.types import Task
from decoRouter import Router as decoRouter
router = decoRouter()

logger = config.get_logger()

## Queue endpoints

[docs]@router.get("/") @requires("authenticated", redirect="login") async def show_queues(request): """Shows all installed modules""" try: config.read_config() except: return PlainTextResponse("Configuration is being updated. Try again in a minute.") processing_suspended = False processing_halt_file = Path(config.mercure.processing_folder + "/" + mercure_names.HALT) if processing_halt_file.exists(): processing_suspended = True routing_suspended = False routing_halt_file = Path(config.mercure.outgoing_folder + "/" + mercure_names.HALT) if routing_halt_file.exists(): routing_suspended = True template = "queue.html" context = { "request": request, "mercure_version": mercure_defs.VERSION, "page": "queue", "processing_suspended": processing_suspended, "routing_suspended": routing_suspended, } context.update(get_user_information(request)) return templates.TemplateResponse(template, context)
[docs]@router.get("/jobs/processing") @requires("authenticated", redirect="login") async def show_jobs_processing(request): try: config.read_config() except: return PlainTextResponse("Configuration is being updated. Try again in a minute.") # TODO: Order by time job_list = {} for entry in os.scandir(config.mercure.processing_folder): if entry.is_dir(): job_module = "" job_acc = "" job_mrn = "" job_scope = "Series" job_status = "Queued" processing_file = Path(entry.path) / mercure_names.PROCESSING task_file = Path(entry.path) / mercure_names.TASKFILE if processing_file.exists(): job_status = "Processing" task_file = Path(entry.path) / "in" / mercure_names.TASKFILE else: pass try: with open(task_file, "r") as f: task: Task = Task(**json.load(f)) if task.process: if isinstance(task.process, list): job_module = ", ".join([p.module_name for p in task.process]) else: job_module = task.process.module_name job_acc = job_mrn = if == "series": job_scope = "Series" else: job_scope = "Study" except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) job_module = "Error" job_acc = "Error" job_mrn = "Error" job_scope = "Error" job_status = "Error" timestamp: float = entry.stat().st_mtime job_name: str = job_list[job_name] = { "Creation_Time": timestamp, "Module": job_module, "ACC": job_acc, "MRN": job_mrn, "Status": job_status, "Scope": job_scope, } sorted_jobs = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(job_list.items(), key=lambda x: (x[1]["Status"], x[1]["Creation_Time"]), reverse=False)) # type: ignore return JSONResponse(sorted_jobs)
[docs]@router.get("/jobs/routing") @requires("authenticated", redirect="login") async def show_jobs_routing(request): try: config.read_config() except: return PlainTextResponse("Configuration is being updated. Try again in a minute.") job_list = {} for entry in os.scandir(config.mercure.outgoing_folder): if entry.is_dir(): job_target: str = "" job_acc: str = "" job_mrn: str = "" job_scope: str = "Series" job_status: str = "Queued" processing_file = Path(entry.path) / mercure_names.PROCESSING if processing_file.exists(): job_status = "Processing" task_file = Path(entry.path) / mercure_names.TASKFILE try: with open(task_file, "r") as f: task: Task = Task(**json.load(f)) if task.dispatch and task.dispatch.target_name: job_target = task.dispatch.target_name job_acc = job_mrn = if == "series": job_scope = "Series" else: job_scope = "Study" except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) job_target = "Error" job_acc = "Error" job_mrn = "Error" job_scope = "Error" job_status = "Error" timestamp: float = entry.stat().st_mtime job_name: str = job_list[job_name] = { "Creation_Time": timestamp, "Target": job_target, "ACC": job_acc, "MRN": job_mrn, "Status": job_status, "Scope": job_scope, } sorted_jobs = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(job_list.items(), key=lambda x: (x[1]["Status"], x[1]["Creation_Time"]), reverse=False)) # type: ignore return JSONResponse(sorted_jobs)
[docs]"/jobs/studies/force-complete") @requires("authenticated", redirect="login") async def force_study_complete(request): params = dict(await request.form()) job_id = params["id"] job_path: Path = Path(config.mercure.studies_folder) / job_id if not (job_path / mercure_names.TASKFILE).exists(): return JSONResponse({"error": "no such study"}, 404) (job_path / mercure_names.FORCE_COMPLETE).touch() return JSONResponse({"success": True})
[docs]@router.get("/jobs/studies") @requires("authenticated", redirect="login") async def show_jobs_studies(request): try: config.read_config() except: return PlainTextResponse("Configuration is being updated. Try again in a minute.") job_list = {} for entry in os.scandir(config.mercure.studies_folder): if entry.is_dir(): job_uid = "" job_rule = "" job_acc = "" job_mrn = "" job_completion = "Timeout" job_created = "" job_series = 0 task_file = Path(entry.path) / mercure_names.TASKFILE try: with open(task_file, "r") as f: task: Task = Task(**json.load(f)) if (not or (not raise Exception() job_uid = if job_rule = job_acc = job_mrn = if == True: job_completion = "Force" else: if == "received_series": job_completion = "Series" job_created = if job_series = len( except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) job_uid = "Error" job_rule = "Error" job_acc = "Error" job_mrn = "Error" job_completion = "Error" job_created = "Error" job_list[] = { "UID": job_uid, "Rule": job_rule, "ACC": job_acc, "MRN": job_mrn, "Completion": job_completion, "Created": job_created, "Series": job_series, } return JSONResponse(job_list)
[docs]@router.get("/jobs/fail") @requires("authenticated", redirect="login") async def show_jobs_fail(request): try: config.read_config() except: return PlainTextResponse("Configuration is being updated. Try again in a minute.") job_list: Dict = {} for entry in os.scandir(config.mercure.error_folder): if entry.is_dir(): job_name: str = job_acc: str = "" job_mrn: str = "" job_scope: str = "Series" job_failstage: str = "Unknown" task_file = Path(entry.path) / mercure_names.TASKFILE if not task_file.exists(): task_file = Path(entry.path) / "in" / mercure_names.TASKFILE try: with open(task_file, "r") as f: task: Task = Task(**json.load(f)) job_acc = job_mrn = if == "series": job_scope = "Series" else: job_scope = "Study" except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) job_acc = "Error" job_mrn = "Error" job_scope = "Error" job_list[job_name] = { "ACC": job_acc, "MRN": job_mrn, "Scope": job_scope, "FailStage": job_failstage, } return JSONResponse(job_list)
[docs]@router.get("/status") @requires("authenticated", redirect="login") async def show_queues_status(request): try: config.read_config() except: return PlainTextResponse("Configuration is being updated. Try again in a minute.") processing_suspended = False processing_halt_file = Path(config.mercure.processing_folder + "/" + mercure_names.HALT) if processing_halt_file.exists(): processing_suspended = True routing_suspended = False routing_halt_file = Path(config.mercure.outgoing_folder + "/" + mercure_names.HALT) if routing_halt_file.exists(): routing_suspended = True processing_active = False for entry in os.scandir(config.mercure.processing_folder): if entry.is_dir(): processing_file = Path(entry.path) / mercure_names.PROCESSING if processing_file.exists(): processing_active = True break routing_actvie = False for entry in os.scandir(config.mercure.outgoing_folder): if entry.is_dir(): processing_file = Path(entry.path) / mercure_names.PROCESSING if processing_file.exists(): routing_actvie = True break processing_status = "Idle" if processing_suspended: if processing_active: processing_status = "Suspending" else: processing_status = "Halted" else: if processing_active: processing_status = "Processing" routing_status = "Idle" if routing_suspended: if routing_actvie: routing_status = "Suspending" else: routing_status = "Halted" else: if routing_actvie: routing_status = "Processing" queue_status = { "processing_status": processing_status, "processing_suspended": str(processing_suspended), "routing_status": routing_status, "routing_suspended": str(routing_suspended), } return JSONResponse(queue_status)
[docs]"/status") @requires("authenticated", redirect="login") async def set_queues_status(request): try: config.read_config() except: return PlainTextResponse("Configuration is being updated. Try again in a minute.") processing_halt_file = Path(config.mercure.processing_folder + "/" + mercure_names.HALT) routing_halt_file = Path(config.mercure.outgoing_folder + "/" + mercure_names.HALT) form = dict(await request.form()) print(form) try: if form.get("suspend_processing", "false") == "true": processing_halt_file.touch() else: processing_halt_file.unlink() except: pass try: if form.get("suspend_routing", "false") == "true": routing_halt_file.touch() else: routing_halt_file.unlink() except: pass return JSONResponse({"result": "OK"})
[docs]@router.get("/jobinfo/{category}/{id}") @requires("authenticated", redirect="login") async def get_jobinfo(request): try: config.read_config() except: return PlainTextResponse("Configuration is being updated. Try again in a minute.") job_category = request.path_params["category"] job_id = request.path_params["id"] job_pathstr: str = "" if job_category == "processing": job_pathstr = config.mercure.processing_folder + "/" + job_id elif job_category == "routing": job_pathstr = config.mercure.outgoing_folder + "/" + job_id elif job_category == "studies": job_pathstr = config.mercure.studies_folder + "/" + job_id elif job_category == "failure": job_pathstr = config.mercure.error_folder + "/" + job_id else: return PlainTextResponse("Invalid request") job_path = Path(job_pathstr + "/task.json") if (job_category == "processing") and (not job_path.exists()): job_path = Path(job_pathstr + "/in/task.json") if (job_category == "failure") and (not job_path.exists()): job_path = Path(job_pathstr + "/in/task.json") if job_path.exists(): with open(job_path, "r") as json_file: loaded_task = json.load(json_file) loaded_task = json.dumps(loaded_task, indent=4, sort_keys=False) return JSONResponse(loaded_task) else: return PlainTextResponse("Task not found. Refresh view!")
queue_app = Starlette(routes=router)