Source code for webinterface.users

Users page and user support functions for the graphical user interface of mercure.

# Standard python includes
import json
import os
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, cast
from passlib.apps import custom_app_context as pwd_context
import daiquiri
from mypy_extensions import TypedDict
from typing_extensions import Literal
from typing import Dict, Any

# Starlette-related includes
from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.responses import Response, PlainTextResponse, RedirectResponse
from starlette.authentication import requires

# App-specific includes
from common.constants import mercure_names
from webinterface.common import *
from common.constants import mercure_defs, mercure_names
import common.monitor as monitor
import common.config as config
from decoRouter import Router as decoRouter
router = decoRouter()

## Helper functions

[docs]class User(TypedDict, total=False): email: str password: str is_admin: Literal["True", "False"] change_password: Literal["True", "False"] permissions: Any
logger = config.get_logger() # passlib is way too chatty in debug mode logging.getLogger("passlib").setLevel(logging.INFO) users_timestamp: float = 0.0 users_filename = (os.getenv("MERCURE_CONFIG_FOLDER") or "/opt/mercure/config") + "/users.json" users_list: Dict[str, User] = {}
[docs]def read_users() -> Dict[str, User]: """Reads the user list from the configuration file. The file will only be read if it has been updated since the last function call. If the file does not exist, create a new user file.""" global users_list global users_timestamp users_file = Path(users_filename) # Check for existence of lock file lock_file = Path(users_file.parent / users_file.stem).with_suffix(mercure_names.LOCK) if lock_file.exists(): raise ResourceWarning(f"Users file locked: {lock_file}") if users_file.exists(): # Get the modification date/time of the configuration file stat = os.stat(users_filename) try: timestamp = stat.st_mtime except AttributeError: timestamp = 0 # Check if the configuration file is newer than the version # loaded into memory. If not, return if timestamp <= users_timestamp: return users_list"Reading users from: {users_filename}") with open(users_file, "r") as json_file: users_list = json.load(json_file) users_timestamp = timestamp return users_list else: return create_users()
[docs]def create_users() -> Dict[str, User]: """Create new users file and create seed admin account with name "admin" and password "router".""""No user file found. Creating user list with seed admin account.") global users_list users_list = {"admin": {"password": hash_password("router"), "is_admin": "True", "change_password": "True"}} save_users() return users_list
[docs]def save_users() -> None: """Write the users list into a file on the disk.""" global users_list global users_timestamp users_file = Path(users_filename) # Check for existence of lock file lock_file = Path(users_file.parent / users_file.stem).with_suffix(mercure_names.LOCK) if lock_file.exists(): raise ResourceWarning(f"Users file locked: {lock_file}") with open(users_file, "w") as json_file: json.dump(users_list, json_file, indent=4) try: stat = os.stat(users_filename) users_timestamp = stat.st_mtime except AttributeError: users_timestamp = 0"Stored user list into: {users_filename}")
[docs]def evaluate_password(username, password) -> bool: """Check if the given password for the given user is correct. Hashed passwords are stored with salt.""" if (len(username) == 0) or (len(password) == 0): return False if not username in users_list: return False stored_password = users_list[username].get("password", "") if len(stored_password) == 0: return False try: if pwd_context.verify(password, stored_password): return True else: return False except: return False
[docs]def hash_password(password) -> str: """Hash the password using the passlib library.""" return cast(str, pwd_context.hash(password))
[docs]def is_admin(username) -> bool: """Check in the user list if the given user has admin rights.""" if not username in users_list: return False if users_list[username].get("is_admin", "False") == "True": return True else: return False
[docs]def needs_change_password(username) -> bool: """Check if the given user has to change his password after login.""" if not username in users_list: return False if users_list[username].get("change_password", "False") == "True": return True else: return False
################################################################################### ## Users endpoints ###################################################################################
[docs]@router.get("/") @requires(["authenticated", "admin"], redirect="homepage") async def show_users(request) -> Response: """Shows all available users.""" try: read_users() except: return PlainTextResponse("Configuration is being updated. Try again in a minute.") template = "users.html" context = {"request": request, "mercure_version": mercure_defs.VERSION, "page": "users", "users": users_list} context.update(get_user_information(request)) return templates.TemplateResponse(template, context)
[docs]"/") @requires(["authenticated", "admin"], redirect="homepage") async def add_new_user(request) -> Response: """Creates a new user and redirects to the user-edit page.""" try: read_users() except: return PlainTextResponse("Configuration is being updated. Try again in a minute.") form = dict(await request.form()) newuser = form.get("name", "") if newuser in users_list: return PlainTextResponse("User already exists.") newpassword = hash_password(form.get("password", "here_should_be_a_password")) users_list[newuser] = {"password": newpassword, "is_admin": "False", "change_password": "True"} try: save_users() except: return PlainTextResponse("ERROR: Unable to write user list. Try again.")"Created user {newuser}") monitor.send_webgui_event(monitor.w_events.USER_CREATE, request.user.display_name, newuser) return RedirectResponse(url="/users/edit/" + newuser, status_code=303)
[docs]@router.get("/edit/{user}") @requires(["authenticated", "admin"], redirect="login") async def users_edit(request) -> Response: """Shows the settings for a given user.""" try: read_users() except: return PlainTextResponse("Configuration is being updated. Try again in a minute.") edituser = request.path_params["user"] if not edituser in users_list: return RedirectResponse(url="/users", status_code=303) template = "users_edit.html" context = { "request": request, "mercure_version": mercure_defs.VERSION, "page": "users", "edituser": edituser, "edituser_info": users_list[edituser], } context.update(get_user_information(request)) return templates.TemplateResponse(template, context)
[docs]"/edit/{user}") @requires(["authenticated"], redirect="login") async def users_edit_post(request) -> Response: """Updates the given user with settings passed as form parameters.""" try: read_users() except: return PlainTextResponse("Configuration is being updated. Try again in a minute.") edituser = request.path_params["user"] form = dict(await request.form()) if not edituser in users_list: return PlainTextResponse("User does not exist anymore.") to_edit = users_list[edituser] to_edit["email"] = form["email"] if form["password"]: to_edit["password"] = hash_password(form["password"]) to_edit["change_password"] = "False" # Only admins are allowed to change the admin status, and the current user # cannot change the status for himself (which includes the settings page) if request.user.is_admin and (request.user.display_name != edituser): to_edit["is_admin"] = form["is_admin"] if request.user.is_admin and form.get("permissions", ""): to_edit["permissions"] = form["permissions"] try: save_users() except: return PlainTextResponse("ERROR: Unable to write user list. Try again.")"Edited user {edituser}") monitor.send_webgui_event(monitor.w_events.USER_EDIT, request.user.display_name, edituser) if "own_settings" in form: return RedirectResponse(url="/", status_code=303) else: return RedirectResponse(url="/users", status_code=303)
[docs]"/delete/{user}") @requires(["authenticated", "admin"], redirect="login") async def users_delete_post(request) -> Response: """Deletes the given users.""" try: config.read_config() except: return PlainTextResponse("Configuration is being updated. Try again in a minute.") deleteuser = request.path_params["user"] if deleteuser in users_list: del users_list[deleteuser] try: save_users() except: return PlainTextResponse("ERROR: Unable to write user list. Try again.")"Deleted user {deleteuser}") monitor.send_webgui_event(monitor.w_events.USER_DELETE, request.user.display_name, deleteuser) return RedirectResponse(url="/users", status_code=303)
users_app = Starlette(routes=router)